E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Next Week

This morning is cool, windy and humid.  Feels colder than it actually is.  With a weeks rain it's so muddy I couldn't get the stalls cleaned out, so added bedding and then picked & treated the horses feet.  Had planned on riding this morning but the trails are way too muddy.

Oh well, will have more time after retirement, next week.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Retiring on The Boss's Birthday

We decided not to do the supplemental insurance, but the extra medicare coverage instead.  It will be effective May 1 along with the rest of our medicare coverage.  So on Monday I,ll be giving my 2 week notice.

Haven't had time for a job lately, so now I won't have one.  I will have more time for horse riding and the shooting range. :-)

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Looking Good

We both now have our medicare cards for parts A and B.  With B effective May 1.  We talk to the guy about supplemental insurance in 2 days.  Retirement may start May 4, the day after the Boss's 65th.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Ever Since

Ever since Trump got involved, a non politician outsider, the state of politics in this country has gone down the shitter.  It's made worse because he's accomplished so much of what the federal government should be doing, and is trying to do more.  The old school politicians and bureaucrats can't stand it. 

Hopefully he'll be draining the swamp as well.

Looking Better

We both got letters from SS Monday saying we qualify and to expect our Medicare cards within 2 weeks. That just might give us time to acquire supplemental insurance active by May 1, then retiring in May as previously hoped.  The odds are looking better.

Friday, April 5, 2019

So Much For Planning

Retiring in May as originally planned seems less likely.  We need to receive our Medicare ID numbers and then get signed up for supplemental insurance before May 1.  If any of this happens after May 1, it won't be in effect until the next month, June 1.

If I could've gotten the required information from the Fed in a timely manner, retiring in May would've been no problem.