E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We're Screwed

Yesterdays local rag had an article stating that we've now reached the point where Social Security spends more than it collects. For decades the Fed has included SS taxes in the general tax fund, and created IOUs for the SS accounts. Contrary to what older folks like my father-in-law thinks, there hasn't been a SS fund for decades. The Fed has stolen our money (taxes), and then stolen it again.

Not only will the ever larger government and the new entitlement program (health care) cost us more money, now we add expanding SS expenditures with a shrinking workforce. Something has to give on this folks. And you can bet it won't be the Fed. We're screwed and so are our children.

If only we actually had a free market society.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It took me awhile to figure out on my own that we really haven't been a free market society for some time. Funny that these lessons aren't taught in our public schools.

I wonder why that is?