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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Some Voters Shouldn't

There was a time when only those that owned property could vote in an election. I suppose the rational was that the leaches in society wouldn't be able to elect themselves more benefits from those that worked for it than was willing to be given to them.

It's too late now, but we should enact something similar today. Anyone receiving a government check, of any kind, should not be allowed to vote. Why would the leaches be allowed to vote themselves a share of what I work hard to obtain? That's like the swirling you see when the toilet is flushed, as far as our society is considered. It's too late to solve our present problems, but it would sure help to keep things from getting worse.

1 comment:

eriko said...

Add in can't give money to support a political party or candidate. Boeing is as bad as the public sector unions.