E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Celebration of the Past

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the birth of this nation, a nation that I was lucky enough to be born within. This nation was once the great shining beacon that most people looked to as an example of what "the people" could accomplish. A nation of greatness that I fear is no more.

We've let the government become strong and powerful. In the name of compassion for the have-nots, and laziness, we've allowed the various levels to control too much. We've perverted "equal opportunity" into "equal results". Consequently we are now falling down the cliff into ruin, at the hands of our own leaders(?).

History if full of great nations that have risen and fallen. We as a nation have been sitting on the top longer than most. The inevitable is upon us. As with most in history, we are being destroyed from within.

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