E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Really Don't Care

Back in the dark ages I worked in a factory making refrigerators. There was a woman there that showed up one day with a large dressing on her wrist. She told me she tried to commit suicide but didn't cut deep enough. I suggested she use a sharper knife next time and cut along the vein, not across.

Suicidal urges are powerful - and temporary. The easier the act, the more likely unnecessary death will result. Guns make it easy. Keep them out of people's homes.

I feel the same way about guns as a tool of suicide. Even if there are more suicides when guns are in the home, I really don't care. If you want to put a bullet through your brain that's none of my business. Just don't leave a mess for me to clean up.

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