E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, July 18, 2008

Heller A Hero

After the recent court's ruling, DC has stuck as many restrictions on gun ownership as they dare including a ban on semi-auto pistols. Our hero, Heller was apparently the first in line to register his pistol.

And what does he pull out and try to register? Daring them to reject him again?[smile]A 1911.[/smile]

Seems the court ruled -
Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendmentrights*, the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.

Do I smell another lawsuit in the wind?

We're supposed to be a nation of laws by The People, with a system of government containing checks and balances so that the government will remain in control. Obviously some governments need a little slap up the side of the head once in a while.

HT - The Geek

1 comment:

Haji said...

"Firearms in common usage" was part of the decision, and the 1911 has been around nearly a hundred years. As we discussed this at work, the point that seems pretty well irrefutable is that a Glock with a full capacity magazine has to fall in that list, too. They have, what, almost 90% of the LE market, as well as being procured by the military. Doesn't get much more common than that. All this leads to what the SCOTUS is going to do to hammer the DC city leaders for defying them. I wouldn't want to be held in contempt by them. I guess DC City Council does. lol