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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Definitely Election Fraud

Now a judge in Georgia has given a vote integrity group access to the physical ballots in Fulton County amid sworn affidavits that many of those ballots were sketchy and seemed to be generated by automation.

And then there is this.

To them, 2020 election fraud was an industrial level crime.  It was of such magnitude that it moved from the category of an election crime to a sovereign crime.

There was no interest on our profilers’ part in doing investigation of massive voter fraud.  They felt it was so obvious and the current work being done by citizens and published on hard-to-find blogs was state-of-the-art and no further investigations would find much more. Their comments were striking because they said the data easily available showed the election fraud patterns had two very alarming characteristics: It was not the first time this was tried, and it will be performed again, at scale, in the next election.

There was too much evidence to come to any conclusion other than the national elections were stolen by the Dems.

And now those in control are doing their best to turn this republic into a communist state.

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