E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, December 10, 2020

To Vaccinate or Not

About half of my family members insist they will not get the Chinavirus vaccine because it's too new.  I've been on the fence because there has to be some adverse initial and long term side effects that have not been disclosed. And now I read this. 


Ruth said...

One of the AUS versions of the vax just got canceled cause its causing people to test false positive to HIV.

I'm not anti vaccine. I believe they're good things. But the way this is getting rushed through with much political hoopla has me way twitchy about it. The good news is that I'm unlikely to get the opportunity to get it in the next year (being neither a health worker, nor over 65) so I can continue to passively avoid it and wait and see what the side effects are.

Ruth said...

you may, however, want to look at getting an MMR booster, as there's indications that a high measles titer results in a MUCH lower rate of sickness from Covid. There's a link on my blog if you want it.