E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas

Several weeks ago the Boss asked what I wanted for Christmas, which was just a couple of weeks after declaring that we wouldn't buy each other anything.  I didn't say that I want my carry guns to have fiber optic front sights, or that I'd like the Ishapore turned into a semi-scout rifle.  I didn't even mention my desire for a lever action 454 Casull.  Last year she got me the CZ 712 Utility 12 gauge so this time I grunted " have no idea", other than for "you to be pain free".

I'm typing this on a brand new ASUS laptop with Windows 8.  A little faster than the old Vista laptop I've been using.

Hope all of you are having a safe, healthy and just great Christmas with family and friends.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More Gov Misinformation

Inflation . . . what inflation?  According the the Gov, inflation has been near zero for several years.  I've suspected for years that published inflation numbers have been a fabrication.  Apparently others share these thoughts.

According to the number crunchers at the Labor Department, over the last year, prices were up only 1.2 percent, and for the month of November, inflation was zero, nada, zilch!
Surely economists don’t eat, or at least shop where moms do.

The bigger tax bite left mom with less to buy what her family needs yet the government doesn’t include its take of the Consumer Price Index -- even though it could.
You can bet that the gang at the White House or on Capitol Hill will never publish data on the skyrocketing cost of government

Disgusting Congress

Yesterday afternoon I spent 3 hours at the dentist getting a root canal.  That was not a fun experience, but then I hear that the evil congress passed a budget.  My first thought was "about time".  But when I heard that spending and taxes will increase while cutting benefits for our Vets.  That's just disgusting.  A root canal is wonderful by comparison.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Evil Law

The more we hear about Obamacare, I'll call Evil Law, the more we learn that it's the evilest thing this country has ever done to itself.  We once had a thriving economy with a health care system that foreigners came here to use.  They traveled from places like Europe and as close as Canada. They traveled from countries with "free" socialized medicine to come here and pay for services.

Not only has our federal government caused the great and enduring recession, the Dem. policies have stifled recovery and is in the process of destroying a perfectly good, if not superior, health care system. 

No need to mention that they can't even do a good job of implementing the Evil Law.  The only time they don't screw something up, is to do nothing at all.

And the worst thing of all, is how many citizens actually approve of the job our government, and especially this corrupt president, is doing.  The utter stupidity is simply amazing.

Neglected Mouth

Until a couple of weeks ago I hadn't seen a dentist in about 5 years.  That time was because a small chunk broke off the side of tooth.  The only thing done was to smooth off the sharp edges.  This time was the same thing on the same tooth.  Unfortunately that tooth now has a crown.

I spent 2-1/2 hours today in a dentist chair.  First the crown was installed.  Then came x-rays of all my teeth, exam, then cleaning.  The results were 3 old fillings that need replaced.  And the best part?  Two more crowns, one over a soon to be performed root canal. 

Doesn't that sound like loads of fun?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Still Here - Still Busy as . . . .

Managed to steal enough time to clean some guns.  Cleaned 22 revolver and Buckmark, HiPower, Bersa 9, Bull Dog 44, 22 rile, Negant and 8mm Mauser.  Apparently I orgot to clean the last 2 after shooting them the last time.  Corrosive ammo is a bitch.

Found that I'm down to only 100 rounds of 9mm.  Got some loading to do.  One never knows when time allows or some range time.  Though I do have 600-800 rounds o 45 sitting around.


Met another new hire at work today.  Another Asian with a PHD behind his name.  Four years ago there were 6 of us, now there's 13.  Soon we'll be down to 12 as one of the foreigners will be moving back home.  The demand for our product has been growing, hence the need for additional talent.  And we're in the process of adding additional equipment to meet that demand.  I feel blessed to find interesting work in a growing company, especially within this economy and at my age.


And I'm also blessed with the company of a wonderful woman for over 40 years.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Want Some ME Time

I'd expect that in a 4 day weekend, Id be able to get some personal time, but no way. 

Thursday in a crowded house with relatives. 

Friday driving the Boss all over the place.  Thankfully not to any of the real crowded places.  Bought new flooring for the kitchen.

Saturday helped the eldest move some stuff to his new house.  We found a small dirt pile way out back.  The beginnings of a backstop for a personal shooting range, up to 200 yards.

Then today a birthday party for the youngest grandson.

The only ME time was being able to clean 2 of the guns the grand-daughters fired a couple of weeks ago.

It Comes In 3

Before I left for work the Boss said my usual route was closed due to a fire.  So I detoured around the area reported, only to find the fire still in front of me.  So I had to backtrack and take another route.

At work my computer required a new password.  The password not only allows PC access but also server access.  I didn't realize that rules now require a more complex password.  After 2 or 3 tries to create a new password it locked me out.  Had to call IT for help.

I've worked on a device to fit an existing machine without the benefit of drawings or precision measurements.  We tried to install it in the afternoon.  It didn't fit.  I made an error somewhere.  Tomorrow I will find that error and make plans for correction.

Yes, it came as a group of 3.

I've worked at this place for about 4 years.  I've had hard days, but never a bad day in that time.  Until now.  Even this bad day is nothing compared to other places I've been employed.  Nobody complained or became upset.  The worse I got was suggestions as to corrective action.  One even said "oh well, shit happens".

I've been blessed to be employed in a growing company with great co-workers in this crappy economy.