E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tolerant or Just Stupid

Several years ago my youngest daughter=in-law lost her job.  She's been unemployed ever since.  Then she became pregnant, and my son lost his job.  He managed to get a part time position, but they're in danger of losing their home.

My eldest son and family have been doing fine.  They have 2 children, with him working full time and her part time.  They wanted to get into a better school system so decided to buy a different home and move.  After paying for all the inspections and being approved for the loan, he was informed that his position will be eliminated the first of the year.  If he bails from buying the new place he'll lose several thousands of dollars.  If he goes through with the deal, he may have to tap into his retirement investments to pay the loan.  I haven't heard what he's going to do.

Today I learned that an old friend is moving in with his brother and filing bankrupt.  He's run out of unemployment, and apparently failed at starting his own company.  Here's a multi talented guy who can't find work.

Every time I hear one of the assholes in DC claim that the economy is doing all right I want to shoot his sorry ass.  While they play their games, turning us into a communist country, doomed to economically implode, 'the people' are being hurt.  They're hurting my family. 

I wonder how long, we as a people, are going to tolerate being turned into a second class country.

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