E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, November 7, 2013

DC Ass Holes

This morning I took the Boss to a specialist for the second set of shots into her spine.  She's now barely able to walk because her left leg is numb.  That happened the first time, but it went away after about 30 hours.  I assume that will happen this time as well.  Those shots appear to be extremely painful.  I sure hope they give her lasting relief from the chronic pain.

I just found out that my place of employment is not reducing medical coverage at least for the next year.  The cost has increased, but only slightly.  I have a sinking feeling that is going to change, thanks to the ass holes in DC.

And the best news is that the surgical facility that stuck needles in her spine accepts what ever the insurance will pay, even though they're out of network.  I wonder how long that will last, thanks again to the ass holes in DC.

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