E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good Drugs

For weeks I haven't been able to sleep through the night because my hip pain would wake me. So once or twice every night I had to get up and walk around a little to ease the pain, then go back to bed. The bone cutter wrote me a script for vicodin, so I take 1 pill before going to bed, and so far I can now sleep through the night with only 1 wake up. And even then I can roll over and go back to sleep. Some drugs are a good thing.

Even though I'm a contractor (temporary) it appears as if my position will be waiting on me after the surgery. I was told it's OK to use a cane now and when I return, and if I need crutches, my office area will be relocated to the ground floor. No crutches on the stairs. Since I'm " temporary" they could've just replaced me with somebody else.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your hip. I hope your surgery eases your pain completely.

Ruth said...

Vicodin works very well, when it works, if the doc's end up giving it to you for daytime use though be very carefull. My husband can't take it at all, it sends him into a complete vertigo attack. I can usually take it with out feeling more than a bit fuzzy, but he can't even tolerate a half dose.