E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where Are The Horoes??

Last night the Boss asked me to watch a new DVD with her. The film was Mel Gibson's Passion in all its gory detail. I don't know how much of the details are historically accurate, but it certainly was graphic, and at least for me not in the least entertaining. It was upsetting in what was done to a man while others just watched without trying to do anything about it. I'll never watch it again.

Then today while waiting for the couple dozen house guests to arrive for our traditional Easter dinner I saw part of one of the newer Zorro shows. As a kid I read comic books like lots of other kids, but unlike most I liked Batman the most. That's probably because he is a regular guy without any super powers, gadgets galore but nothing super. Then when Zorro was a regular TV series I wanted to be just like him. A regular guy with skills that came to the rescue.

Those were my childhood heroes. Regular people that decided to stand up and fight for what's right and defend others. This all came crashing back while watching Passion. Where were the heroes that would stop the cruelty and madness? Has mankind changed in 2000 years? Are we still sheep controlled by madmen?

It seems to me that our children are missing an important part of growing up. The political correctness has killed the playacting of the villain and the hero. Violence in boys is as natural as the sun rising in the east, but it must be channeled in a constructive direction. They need the regular example of the good guy overcoming the villain. They need a fictional character like Zorro to emulate. Without this they will become sheep, or worse villains, and heroes will vanish.

1 comment:

hamyheadmp said...

Just thought you would like to know. The movie Passion was fairly accurate, about as accurate as it could according to history and the bible without actually going real time. Read Fox Book of Martars and you may get a better understanding what has happened over history.
As for heroes, you, your childrens father is about as close to a real heroe as they may get in this lifetime. If life keeps going the way it has then maybe we will have another Thomas Jefferson,Sam Huston,Ronald Regan,Audie Murphy, Carlos Hathcock or one of such caliber.
Lets just see where this life takes us.
I pray for peace but I am afraid that while I pray it will elude us.