E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blowing Off Steam

Throughout my lifetime I've chosen, consciously chosen to assume that all people are reasonable and basically honest, until the individual proves me wrong. I know I've generalized otherwise on this blog, to make a point. Usually those generalizations are with a comment about generalization being dangerous.

Sometimes the generalizations are a result of overwhelming evidence, so here's a generalization. In general, those that claim themselves to be Democrats have very little trust in the population of this country. As evidence, every time in my memory when the Democrats control any US government they take another step towards controlling the lives of The People. I conclude that they just don't trust us to run our own lives.

Now some will say, and I have said, that they are Marxists because they always seem to push towards government control of everything. I believe the evidence tends that way, but I choose to believe they lack the trusting gene because the alternative is that they are evil. I do believe evil exists, but I prefer to think people are not evil, at least until proven different.

Having said all that, the Democratic leadership is truly on track to prove me wrong. They're doing their damnest to prove, at least to me, that they are evil. Anyone that objects to their agenda is labeled as racist, extremist, hate monger, or some other "bad" name. Objectionists are also accused of causing, or attempting to cause violence.

I've got news for the Democrats. Vocally resisting government control is not extremism, it's originalism. We want our country to be as it was originally intended, and the right to voice any opinion was written into the Constitution. We don't want huge government. That's why this country was founded in the first place. The present Democratic agenda is extremism. If they truly want to avoid violence, then all they have to do is back off. As it is now, they're pushing us into a corner. Even a mouse will bite when backed into a corner.

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