E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, February 8, 2010

To Help Others - - Or Not

I know it's extremely dangerous to generalize any group of people . . . So I'll do it anyway.

It's been my experience that long time Democrats think it's the governments job to help others in need. My father-in-law is that way when it comes to strangers. He'd help the Boss and me, for the Boss's sake, but he wouldn't walk across the street to give a dying man a glass of water.

Republicans on the other hand tend to be more personally giving. They don't rely on government to do what they can do themselves. My father for instance bought a hungry man dinner and on another occasion payed for a tank of gasoline for someone in need. Those two instances I personally witnessed, and I'm sure there's more.

We absolutely need more people like this police officer in our world.

The officer then ran to Walmart, bought a few dozen frozen pizzas — at his own expense — and delivered them to the man’s house

1 comment:

mr said...

I don't think that ones propensity to help is dependent on their political affiliation, or even their religious subscription. This quality is innate. It is generally unAmerican to help the poor, because in this great society, people make it by working their ass off- the poor or unfortunate are too lazy. (0r thats how i see it looking in)

I think we should help others, bring water to a thirsty, give a ride to the guy who's car broke down on the side of the road, help in a barn or home raising. Help, because its the right thing to do. Because it should feel good to know that shit happens to all of us, and, it is awfully calming to know that some one has got our back when the universe is against us.

Sure the homeless guy at the traffic light might be faking it or that the person with car trouble might rob us.... (blame tv for that).. but 95% of the time these people really need help and helping them takes nothing from our day.

So should the government help folks? Well thats the purpose of government. Whether the government gives large tax breaks to large corps who really don't need them or that the government establishes some small program so that the less fortunate can build or purchase a home, the government helps people.