E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Third Party ??

I hear the tea party people had a national convention recently.

Could this be the early growth of a viable third party?

Third partys have been rather pathetic in the past. Maybe The People haven't been pissed enough before now. My truck has a sign that reads "FIRE THE FED GOV'T". I'm certainly pissed enough.


Haji said...

I suspect we're not there yet, but having a party doesn't mean, necessarily, offering forth candidates. IOW, if the Republicans finally pull their head out and realize that conservatives win elections, and offer a real conservative as a candidate, the third party wouldn't have to offer their own candidate. They'd support the conservative...providing the candidate really is conservative, not just saying they are the way McCain did.

trajectory said...

If "they finally pull their heads out" expect a huge popping sound heard around the country, similar to a cork out of a bottle only more intense. They've got them up there rather far you know.