E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Something in Common

Over the last couple of days I found out that a co-worker has 7 ARs, is a certified instructor in all NRA disciplines except muzzle loaders, shoots USPSA matches at least once a month, has taken force on force training, and he carries a full sized 1911 (when not at work). He takes this stuff s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y.

It's a good thing we don't work side by side, or we'd get nothing done. The only thing gabbier than a couple of women is a couple of gun nuts.

1 comment:

hamyheadmp said...

Good for your friend. Its stories like that that does me good. Lets me know that I am not by myself. Seems like more and more are coming over to this side of the line.We all better do two things in my opinion, one is draw our own line in the sand, and two take this very serious.