E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, July 18, 2009


There are some that think a revolution is at hand. I disagree. The revolution has started. It started years ago, but not by The People. It was started by government in slow and small steps to control our lives and break the contract between The People and government, The Constitution. It has accelerated into a raging hurricane now that a single political party is in control and owns private business and is run by other private businesses. Today it should be apparent to any who pay even the slightest attention that the revolution of government against The People is well on its way.

The question now is which side will prevail? Will we lose our liberties and become just another state controlled society that languishes in mediocrity? Or will The People wake up, and we revert back to the principles of liberty and capitalism that has launched us so far ahead of the rest of the world?

Will this revolution be fought with words and votes, or will we be pushed into armed conflict that gave birth to the USA?

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