E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Evil in Power

Our new King has declared that we must save and invest, yet he signs into law bills that adds about 1.2 trillion dollars of debt for this year alone. That's 1.2 trillion over and above the 0.5 trillion he inherited. This year the national dept will be tripled. In one year? Do what I say, not what I do? What ever happened to capitalism, the system that has served us so well for all these many years? The Evil party is killing it.

The least they could do is quit giving away money in foreign aid if they're going to steel that much from the tax payers. Oh yeah, also quit supporting illegal aliens.

Since the Evil Party took control of all of the Fed government it's been like a bunch of sharks in a feeding frenzy. They're using any excuse they can find to spend, socialize and spend some more.

Now they've passed a bill in the senate(?) that adds 120,000 people that will be paid volunteers(?) to some organization. They did take out the mandatory part . . . . at least for now.

Did you know that the Mexican violence problem is our fault? The VP said so anyway. How can the political left be so hateful of this country?

How much of this can we tolerate?

1 comment:

NotClauswitz said...

We save, but then he'll reach in and take the savings.
Traditionally how the Left funds its programs, because they don't actually produce anything of value for sale, is by robbery.