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Friday, September 19, 2008

Gun Grabber

I knew that Obama was an anti-liberty gun grabber, but I didn't know that OCAGV's (Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence) primary source of funding comes from the anti-gun Joyce Foundation, for which Barack Obama served on the board of directors from 1994 through 2002.

No way folks, would he try to take our guns. Was that a pink pig I saw flying?

1 comment:

Haji said...

As I'm sure others do, I find it interesting that there's an attempt to paint him as...how shall I say it...I guess pro-2A. But the quote I've read from him doesn't really say that. To paraphrase, "If I wanted to take your guns, I couldn't, because the votes aren't there". That's a heck of a lot different from "I will work to protect your right to keep and bear arms". More double talk from the Messiah, written for him by Davey Axelrod. I'm not sure The Savior knows what it is he really thinks, because that would require thought without a teleprompter.