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Monday, April 14, 2008

Talking About Me??

. . . . a recent paper written by two sociologist PhD’s in association with the University of Oxford. In the paper, the argument is made that there is something about engineers that causes them to become murderous, right wing radicals in greater numbers than other professions.

Don't think I've ever met a "murderous, right wing radical", let alone any that were engineers, and I've met many engineers. Wait . . . I am one . . . engineer that is.

Then from comments. I too think it might just be a matter of engineers being the type of people who get things done. After all, engineers are trained to identify a problem and then solve it, not talk it to death. That may be how we're trained, but all too often there's way too much talk and not enough doing. At least that's been my experience.

1 comment:

GunGeek said...

When all is said and done... more will be said than done.