E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, December 12, 2024

357 Deer

 Back when it first became legal to hunt deer in Ohio with a handgun I carried a 6" Ruger Security 6 in 357Mag. That was the minimum legal cartridge. All the so called experts writing magazine articles claimed the 357 was too small and that we should use a 44Mag. I took many deer with that revolver loaded with 158gr JHP at 1250fps from 15 to 120 yards. They all went down quick from a single bullet. So much for those so called experts.

Today I learned that a friend took a deer at 60 yards with a 158gr JHP 357 chambered lever action. He said the shot was thru and thru with the animal dropping in his tracks.  No surprise to me! The one I took at 15 yards was head on and the bullet went full length.

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