E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, October 13, 2023

Been a while

Been very busy lately driving the Boss to various doctor appointments and taking care of various issues around the house. Also spent some time, out of state, visiting our grand-daughter and great-grandsons. No wifi at that particular RV park.

The Boss is losing her vision, so I have become her driver.  Today she had her eyes measured for upcoming lense replacement surgery.

The inherited AR works well with the correct ammo.  It's on target at 50 yards, at least a well as these old eyes can use traditional irons.

I keep a Keltec sub 2000 in a back park under the seat of my truck.  Been thinking about stashing either the new AR or the 30 carbine in the Boss's car. Need to teach the Boss how to operate both, then let her decide.

The 9mm barrel for occasional use in the FN Hi-Power 40, is on the tight side. Some of my range brass apparently came from Glocks, because the base diameter after resizing is at the high end or over. Not an issue with the 33 year old FEG Hi-Power. I'll need to find a solution or sort ammo for the FN when I choose to shoot 9mm with it.

The FEG was modified by removing the magazine disconnect, blocking the trigger back, thin grips and fiber optic sight. Other than the thin grips, the other modifications have yet to be done to the FN. The new front sight has been ordered. Modifying the trigger system is going to require help from a smith.  The pin is much tighter than the FEG. Hit it rather hard with a punch & hammer without success.

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Russia invades, and the US sort of helps, after it's needed instead of anticipation.

Israel has been invaded. Again no anticipation

Next will be China.

And all the while we are being invaded with permission by our own government.

The US administration is evil or stupid. I think both.

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