E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, January 15, 2016


I probably posted about this before.  Well I'm doing it again, inspired by an incident at work.

I sort of joke that the higher the level of education, the more stupid the individual.  A coworker insists that every year of college lowers the IQ by at least 1 point.

The observation, and joke, started while being in college around all those PHDs.  Until recently I only experienced being around that type a couple of times, which certainly did not change my opinion.  In my present position I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of those idiots.  They certainly know the theory and book knowledge, in a very limited scope.  If they ever managed to enter the real world, they might realize how idiotic they actually are.  They might even realize that the customer must be satisfied, and that if it wasn't for us lowly peons, they couldn't accomplish anything. 

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