E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Moving Update

The 'little house' now has cable with TV, Telephone and Internet.  The contract installers said they couldn't run the co-ax to the loft over the garage, 100 feet from the house because it would require boring under the concrete walkway.  But today a direct hire from the cable company ran a line out there without going under the walk.  He looked it over, we discussed options, then it took him about an hour to get it done.  Well, mostly done.  The line has been run, and it works, but another crew will arrive to bury the cable.

This coming Wednesday we will officially take up residence in the down-sized place.  A couple of guys and a truck will load and transport the remaining and larger items, like the washer, dryer, freezer, refrigerator, our bedroom furniture, remaining family room furniture, and gun safe.  Moving the remainder of my tools, and firearms and associated stuff, is up to me.  I'll empty out the safe Tuesday night.  Don't want these guys having actual knowledge of its contents.

Earlier this week we signed an agreement for a company to remove a bunch of old fence and install 6 ft tall privacy fence on the back line, and the same height chain link around the rest of the yard.  Our 4 month old Sheba Inu won't require such a tall fence when she's grown, but a future adopted Siberian Husky just might.  Some of those dogs are good climbers. Looks like we have 2-3 weeks to clear some vegetation off the fence line.

Then later on we'll attempt to move the grand-childrens elevated playhouse and trampoline.  My boys should be able to help me with that.

Now that I've been up for about an hour in the middle of the night, time to get some sleep.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

If you haven't already, have them bury the bottom edge of the Chain link about 3 or so inches into the dirt. Helps stop diggers...