E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fitting In

Yesterday I stopped at the "little house" during lunch and found a township Cop there checking out the place. Since it's not presently occupied, it gets checked at least once every shift. I didn't know they were doing that. Nice to know.

We chatted a little bit. I told her that unless coming from work I'm usually armed. This didn't bother the Cop in the least. She acted as if this is a common occurrence in the area. Also nice to know.

I told the Cop of my interest in the 4 acres behind our new place, assuming the "big house" sells when the acreage is still on the market. I told the Cop that if that happens I'd consider creating a personal gun range there. Again the response was ho-hum as long as there was a good bullet stop. And again, nice to know.

So far, sounds like we'd fit right in that neighborhood.

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