E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

From China

One of my recent hire co-workers comes from China (2002) by way of Rochester. Late today we talked a little about the differences in our countries.

They don't have elections or more than 1 political party, so all the political strife is relatively new to him.

Every evening starting at 7 PM is the news on TV. The first 20 minutes are about where their government leaders went and what they did. The next 20 covers good news from within China. There is never any bad news broadcast about China. Then the last 20 minutes covers bad news from elsewhere in the world, especially the USA. There is never any good news broadcast about other parts of the world. And all channels are the same news because TV is government controlled.

He said he came here for the education with a scholarship. He avoided the question as to why he stayed. I suspect he didn't want to say anything bad about his homeland, or anything particularly good about the USA. It takes time, if ever, to un-learn what has been drilled into your mind all your life.

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