E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Few Thoughts

It's irritating not being able to do the things that were so easy a year ago.

Yesterday I paid the adopted grandson to change 5 light bulbs in the car barn, because I can't trust my bum hip on a ladder. Then he helped me purchase 6 bags of softener salt and a couple of heavy treated timbers. I can lift them as long as I keep the extra weight off the bad leg, but I can't carry them at all.

Tomorrow is a holiday, but I'm going to work anyway. Being a contractor I don't get any pay unless I'm actually there doing something. Last week was a short pay week due to medical appointment, and this week is a double wammy because of the holiday and another medical appointment. Then I'll be off for a week or two due to the surgery, so I need all the $ I can get.

I've grown weary of the political BS of late, and repeating myself on a regular basis.

It's not racist to want our border secured, and said law breakers imprisoned or deported!

It's not wrong to know that every person of the Muslim belief is a "potential" enemy!

It's not unconstitutional to express religious beliefs in schools.

There's nothing wrong with knowing that social programs encourage dependence on those programs, and that graduated income taxes punish the successful and reward the parasites.

There's nothing wrong with knowing that high government spending grows only the government, which is itself a parasite on society. The end of the great depression was the exception where high spending for the war actually grew our private industry. Up until that time only government was growing.

It's obvious that any GDP growth rate less than 3% is actually stagnation at best, not a recovery. 3% is our approximate population growth rate.

It's obvious that requiring people and companies to buy health insurance drives up the cost. Health insurance costs are already rising in anticipation.

If the Fed. Gov't. would just get out of the way, our economy would most likely fix itself. Since they won't, we'll be in this shape for some time to come.

I can only think of a couple federally elected office holders who deserve a vote. All others, regardless of political party should be fired, including all the bureaucrats.

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