E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Morning Surprise

Last spring the Boss hired some guys to cut down a tree that was mostly dead, and had been dropping branches on part of the drive way. She and the adopted grandson hauled and stacked most if the wood early in the summer. I then moved some of the heavier stuff, but paid dearly in hip pain. Higher priority activities, or extreme heat kept me from renting a vertical log splitter to finish the job, and now my hip is such that it was to wait until winter, after surgery.
After getting out of the shower this morning I noticed a white truck parked out back, and thought it was probably owned by someone visiting the father-in-law. Just as I finished getting dressed I heard the 3 year old grandson in the house. I found him and the daughter-in-law in the kitchen, and she was wearing work gloves.
Looking outside I saw 2 more vehicles, one for each son. My daughter-in-law borrowed her fathers truck and log splitter, and both my sons joined her to work on that pile of wood. The large pieces are all that's left. They're much too large to load up onto the splitter.
They weren't asked, they just came and did it. That's what family is all about.

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