E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Little Surprised

Having never worked as a contractor through an agency before, I was surprised at the amount of paperwork involved. I'll be employed by the agency, doing a service for the client. One of the agencies policy is the employee not carry a weapon anywhere unless it's allowed by law. A little surprised by that. I was expecting a policy of not carrying while on the job, despite the absence of a no-guns sign on the door.

It looks like I can legally carry at the client because the place is void of the legal no-guns sign, regardless of their employee policy. I don't know what the employee policy is, but I won't strictly have to comply. I'll decide whether I will or not after checking in with the client in a few days. I certainly will not ask about carrying a weapon.

After all the paper work this morning, I was lead into the back of the office for a drug screen. Surprise. I was expecting to go to some other place for that. Before going to pee in the cup I was instructed to empty my pockets, as if I might be carrying a clean sample. Apparently my clothing and holster do a good job of concealing the .45 I was carrying. I decided not to reveal I was carrying unless asked about the bulge under my shirt. Wouldn't want to scare the sheeple.

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