E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Enough of The BS

I don’t know about the rest but I’ve had about enough of the BS. Does our government, local, state and federal think we’re all morons? Have they forgotten that most everyone under the age of 60 has e-mail and internet access? Don’t they realize that their self-serving corrupt ways of the past are obsolete because they all come out in the end?

I’m old enough to remember when communism, socialism, totalitarianism and fascism were words uttered with hated distaste. Before FOX news, and the internet, all we knew was what the media wanted us to know and politicians like FDR promoted those ideals in relative secrecy while publicly preaching against them. Our present age of instant communication has put an end to such nonsense. Now our leaders preach and sell those ideals to the public disguised as something different. About 50% of the population are buying into them, hook, line and sinker, for “the good of all”. B.S. And if they didn’t it wouldn’t matter. Our government has devolved into a European style where things will happen for the “good of the people”, whether the people want it or not, because government knows better. B.S. It’s all about power and control.

The people of Europe, and the rest of the world bow down to the ruling class and always have. The US was born by slapping the ruling class in the face and telling them to take a hike. The result has been a nation that has progressed faster and lasted longer at the top than any other in history. Unfortunately we’ve lost track of our roots and are falling into the norm of destructing from within like many great societies before us. We are devolving into our (mostly) European ancestors. We are allowing the ruling class to once again take control.

The self-defined progressives are progressing us towards a nation that can be described by those hated words above. They’ll never admit it, but it’s true. Only the dumbest of rocks can’t see that it’s true. Only a rock could possibly think that’s the right direction to go. History has proven that communism, socialism, etc., only benefit the ruling class and stifles any society as a whole. Even China has recognized the benefits of a free market. While the more prosperous other countries of the world are moving towards what we used to be, we are moving backwards.

The Fed. is now controlling finance and automotive companies, and is trying to gain control of oue personal health. And then just in case we decide to object physically the administration wants to confirm an arms treaty, bypassing congress, that will attempt to disarm the citizens.

It’s time to recognize the B.S. for what it is, an effort to gain more power and control by “the ruling class”. It’s time for the people to regain the power and control. one way or the other. Like the sign on the back of my truck says “fire the federal government”.

There is still some hope though. Several states have passed, and others are looking to pass, resolutions that tell the Fed. government to back off and quit ignoring The Constitution. They are reaffirming their sovereignty.

Also, the TEA Party groups and others like the Oath Keepers are speaking out. Maybe, just maybe the power and control freaks are paying attention. I’m having my doubts though. To me, it’s just as likely that Obama will become another war president, only this time like Lincoln.

1 comment:

Haji said...

I have no doubt whatsoever that they hear it. They just think it doesn't matter and they can still do whatever they want. These next elections will be telling. If there isn't a massive change, then we'll know that the lazy bastards have taken over in America and we're going to find ourselves a socialist country in short order.

Problem is, it doesn't work. Why is it so hard to look at the failed states that have tried it and realize that? There's no reason for it to work here just because we're America and its called progressivism.