E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Quote of The Day

The left is always talking about cultural sensitivity, well here’s a culture that maybe it’s time for them to understand.

If you want to designate your right and your responsibility to protect your life, liberty and property to others, fine. You and others can hire cops to do that job for you. I choose not to burden society with the responsibility of my upkeep and protection. That means I provide my own food (no thanks, Welfare), I pay for my own health care (no thanks, Obama/Medicare), I provide value for others (no thanks, Unemployment), I plan for my own retirement (no thanks, Social Insecurity), I provide for my own defense (no thanks, cops). This would be the end of the story except that I’m forced to pay for services that I neither want nor need. Can you say protection racket?

William Kostric

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