E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Carried in Church Today

Well, . . . I took the Boss to church, stayed for the service, and the roof didn't cave in. They had a chili meal afterwards as a bonus. I love chili, so I sampled 3 different types. Yum. Yum.

During the service the pastor mentioned the recent church shooting. During the meal the Boss told him that I'd never let that happen, and the brother-in-law said something about allowing guns in church. The pastor said 'you don't see a no-guns sign on the door do you"? I explained the Ohio law that makes it illegal to carry in church without permission, then he said the brother-in-law and I have permission. I told him that's good because I was carrying at the time. He didn't have a problem with that at all.

It's refreshing to be trusted as a citizen, without the attempt at being controlled as a subject. The no-guns sign doesn't stop me from carrying very often. As far as I'm concerned they are unconstitutional and a violation of my civil rights.

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