E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, February 23, 2009

Just Another

Have you noticed that about every time our new president speaks publically or signs a bill the stock market drops? How can that possibly be happening? Isn't he the new messiah leading the greatest political party on the earth?

New York stocks tumbled Monday with the Dow Jones index ending at its lowest level in 11 years and nine months on increased pessimism about the future of the U.S. economy.

This will give them a 40% ownership if Citibank. President Obama has tried to halt talk of a government takeover of Citibank and Bank of America.

Maybe the love affair over the slick combination of evangelist and used car salesman is coming to an end as reality rears its ugly head. HE'S JUST ANOTHER POLITICIAN!!! And a socialist, wannabe communist to boot.

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