E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, September 1, 2008

Learned a Little

Looks like those in the NOLA area have learned a little bit.

In yet another sign of hardened sensibilities in post-Katrina New Orleans, managers of gun shops and sporting goods stores across the area report a spike in gun and ammunition sales this week.

But they haven't learned enough to live away from the coast and above sea level. Fixing the levies and destroyed property down there is a disgusting waste of money and esources.

1 comment:

Haji said...

I'm torn over the whole issue. They're still only about half way cleaned up from the last time. It's pretty apparent this isn't gonna stop happening, but NOLA is a historic city, and I love the food. Its hard to think of it being left to be reclaimed by the ocean. I don't think that'll be allowed to happen, but maybe its the best thing.