E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, April 25, 2008

Students Have Rights Too

The reality is that all students have an inherent right to be armed – it cannot be forcefully removed from a determined student. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus are merely pressing legislators to bring their civil liberties in line with their existing inherent rights.

. . . . "I don't think the answer to bullets flying is to send more bullets flying."
Yes it is. It's that or die.

. . . . "I shoot everybody with a gun who doesn't have a uniform on and I then I end up shooting somebody who was a citizen with a carry permit," . . .
Now that's a superbly stupid remark coming from campus police. I suppose if a student happened to disarm the goblin, he or she would be shot by the campus police for the effort. That guy is in the wrong line of work.

Why should people that have proven themselves competent and trustworthy in safely using firearms for personal defense in the rest of society be refused that same ability within the imaginary lines that represent the confines of college campuses?
There is no reason that stands on merit. It's the unrealistic utopians that think police actually adequately protect them, or project their own inadequacies on others, who think otherwise.

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