E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Licenses Are Useless Exercises

A couple days ago I voiced, well . . . typed, my displeasure at submitting to the 'ask permission process' to exercise my right. I'm not alone with those feelings. I thought long and hard about acquiring a concealed carry license. After all, the Gov doesn't have the right to stop me from protecting me and my family. The fact is, when I really felt the need, in advance, to be armed, I was armed. As they say, better to be judged by 12 than burried by 6. Then there's 'be an honest lawful citizen' voice in the back of my head that seems to get in the way at times. If I was single and without family I never would've bothered with the unlawful licensing crap. I know several who haven't. It was a hard decision, but I'm licensed.

Licensing for anything is basically a useless exercise. A license doesn't make an attorney, doctor or engineer any better at their job. A license doesn't make anyone safer driving a car, or with a handgun. Back in the dark ages I started the process of getting my PE (Professional Engineer License), but stopped half way through. I met way too many licensed engineers that were just terrible engineers. They were evidently good at test taking, but they just sucked at their job. I didn't want to be part of that group.

I haven't seen anything about licensing since, to change my mind.

After the concealed carry training that I sat through with my daughter-in-law, she was shocked that such inept people are now qualified to carry a gun. In one respect I agree that I wouldn't want to be around about 10% of them if they should pull a gun, on the other hand they have the right the same as I do. BTW those folks were obviously new to firearms. And she doesn't have the right to judge them in the least. She had some training prior to the class. I already taught her the basics at a shooting range with several of my handguns. She was using one of my guns in the class, and I wouldn't let her use it without some one-on-one education.

Licensing does not make the person any better at that particular activity, it's just a way of trying to narrow the field. That is, the more hoops required to jump through, the less that will be inclined to participate. That seems true for professional activities, but as for carrying a gun, the mutants will participate anyway.

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