Haven't had the opportunity to again range test the FN with the 2 different barrels. I suspect it takes x number of rounds before the newly installed barrel settles in. If that proves incorrect, I'll try lower velocity loads.
If I was footing the bill for a college student that is among the demonstrators, that student would have to pay his/her way from now on. No more money for school or living expenses. Any that claims 'I am Hamas' has confessed to being a terrorist, and should be prosecuted as such.
A little over a week ago I hauled the 5th wheel camper, my son and 2 grandsons for a weekend big paintball game. Unfortunately I can't physically play the game anymore. Part of the trip was across I-70 between the Ohio state line and Indianapolis. That stretch was in such bad shape, it was similar the driving across a frozen plowed field. Ended up with a broken band in my left front tire. Tread was on the low side so I now have 4 new tires.