E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Inherited AR

Took the inherited AR to the range with iron sights and the new Timney trigger. Wanted to make sure it wouldn't go full auto like it did before I got it. The test firing never happened. Inserted the loaded magazine that came with it, released the bolt and hit the trigger. No bang. 

Long story short my brother-in-law had 222 ammo in the magazine instead of 223. The 222 goes in the chamber so deep that the firing pin won't reach it.

Before passing I think he had mental issues.

Oh, and I scrapped that old BSA reflex sight.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

9mm Hi-Power Barrel

 Got the new die set for the 9mm. The new one creates cartridges that are a shade more round, but the base diameter is barely any different. I took some of my reloaded ammo, old & new barrels to the local smith. He'll hone the new one to be functional with my reloads, like all my other 9mms.