E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, October 31, 2016

Some Joke

One of my co-workers joked that with all the corruption and possible criminal activity of the DNC and the administration that we could end up with Obama for a third term.  So which side of the bloody revolution would he be on?  Maybe I need to get some more ammo.  I am a few hundrd short of the Bosses mandated 1,000 rounds for each battle rifle.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

You're Not Alone

In the comments. http://blog.joehuffman.org/2016/10/25/quote-of-the-day-bob-woodward/

The Boss mailed in an absentee ballot.  I'm going to the polling place, machine or paper, and we don't trust any of it. Oh well.  One has to try and avoid a physical revolution.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Vet Visit

Met the vet at the stables this afternoon.  Yep, left work early.

The Bosses horse hurt his lower rear leg about 2 months ago, but seemed to be healed.  Unfortunately after a relaxed 2 hour walk on the trails, that lower leg feels warm to the touch, though he hasn't been limping at all.  He was found to be sore at the end of the splint bone.  We're to give him bute' for a week and then before and after riding.  We'll see how it goes from there.

Had the vet check out my mare, since she's relatively new to me, and doesn't seem to like the bit I've been using.  Her teeth are fine and she checked out as very healthy and about perfect weight.  I was disappointed when the vet said she's about 12 years old based on her teeth.  I was told she is 8 years old when we bought her.  Oh well.

Also found out that the vet is a gun guy.  He loves the 1911 45.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Range Time

Made it to the range this morning for about 1-1/2 hours.  I think for only the third time this year. 

I apologized to a family for staring at them.  I just love watching a family at the range.  There were 4 generations with the youngest 2 being a little blond girl and her mother.

Opened up the 357 at 100 yards.  With something like a tree to put my left forearm against I used to feel quite confident that I would make a clean kill on a deer.  Not now.  75 yards is a stretch now.  To quote a movie character " a man's got to know his limitations".

Did some 25 yard shooting with the Kimber 45, Hi-Power 9mm and Bull Dog 44 special.  Two hand and strong hand were not too bad.  Actually pretty good considering the lack of recent practice.  Left handed not so much.  Hurt my left wrist falling off my horse last week, it's still sore, but I can't blame my week hand shooting on that.  Lack of practice and a little on getting up in years.

I shoot the autos better than the 44 revolver, especially double action.  Though still good enough that nobody would want me using them as a target at that range.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Quarter Horse Congress

So we spent all day visiting the booths at the trade show part of one of the largest horse shows in the country.  We bought a saddle pad, reins, saddle mounted bottle holder, and a few other small things.  Then the Boss bought a power scooter for when her arthritis gets too bad, and an electric stimulator to treat her structural pain.  Never thought I'd see those at a horse show.

My shoulder has been sore ever since falling off my horse Saturday.  The stimulator activated the muscles just like in physical therapy after my other shoulder was injured years ago.  The pain went away and is still gone 3 hours later.  It also relieved the Bosses pain radiating from her sacrum.  Might be the best $300 I ever spent.

For us trail riders, the actual show competitions were a bit boring.

And yes, I carried all day, including in the government owned buildings.  Shame on me for breaking the law.

Monday, October 17, 2016

In Columbus

We'll be in Columbus Ohio for the next few days chilling out and spending some time at the Quarter Horse Congress.  We'll probably buy something at the horse show, but we're mostly here just to get away from the normal daily routine.

I elected to carry my small 9mm instead of the usual 1911 45.  The PM9 is slightly smaller than the Kimber UltraCarry and weighs less.  Most of the vendors are located in state owned buildings.  In Ohio it's not legal to carry in such buildings.  That's never stopped me before, and most likely will not stop me now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Riding Sunday

My mare may be the perfect trail horse, other than being a mare.  We rode for about 2 hours Sunday and she was darn close to perfect.  She did what ever I asked but still paid attention to our surroundings and made good decisions. Me, not so much.  I let her run up a tall and less than smooth hill after the grand daughter and her horse.  I almost made it all the way.  Right at the top I lost balance and hit the ground, rather hard ground.  I was stunned a bit.  I'm still sore now.

Monday, October 3, 2016


I learned that riding my mare when she's in heat is at best an adventure.  She wasn't happy that I was on her back, to the point of me hitting the ground.  Spending 3 days stuck in the stall didn't help much either.

Quite different than the usual laid back cooperative horse to which I have become accustomed.

BTW my Kimber stayed put in the holster.