E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, July 20, 2015

What She Said

A couple of snippets.

I believe it was Albert Einstein who said- "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

 People die because social-control laws do not stop criminals but simply prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves and those under their care. 

Go read the rest

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Most Stupid

So we had another "workplace" incident.  So trained military are still defenseless when on military property.  Will the most stupid leaders in the world ever wake up and realize we're at war?  Why can't they understand reality, and put their wishfulness on the back burner?

His First AR

Took a newby to the range last Tuesday after work.  Helped him sight in his very first rifle, and an AR no less.  He's a co-op college student I've been working with.

He wimped out when offered to let him try my Super Rdhawk 454, but he did try my lever gun in the same cartridge.  "This is a man's gun" he said.  He also liked my CETME.

Politically he's conservative, leaning libertarian, and only 20 years old. There's hope for the future of this country after all.

Is This Central Florida ??

No riding today.  Just too damn hot for man nor beast.
Been trying to ride horses a little at least once a week, but when temperatures reach 90F with humidity near that number, no thanks.  Went to the barn and cleaned 2 stalls, then left soaking wet with sweat.  It's like breathing hot water out there.  I could kiss he who invented house air conditioning.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Independance Day, National and Personal

I hope all of you had as nice a weekend as I did.

I hope all of you remember that this nation was started by the spark of intended gun confiscation.  I suggest that the same could easily happen again.

I got to the range for the first time in months.  Since we were all celebrating our country's independence, I decided to celebrate my personal independence by exercising my right guaranteed by the second amendment.  I shot rifles the commie left don't even want me to own.  I launched lead down range using not only an AR15, but also a modified SKS and a CETME.  As a bonus I also spent some trigger time with the Hi-Power and my deer hunting gun, the 357 Mag revolver.

Then Sunday the Boss and I spent a couple hours on horseback.  We stayed out of the bug infested brush and rode around the fields.  As usual Rolan, the Bosses horse, had a couple of stubborn incidents.  I've tried to tell him that she is more stubborn than he is, but so far to no avail.

I've mentioned before that Toby, my horse, likes to go fast.  He's now learning to walk behind Rolan without running up his butt.  On the way back to the stable, Toby walked behind Rolan at a comfortable distance without me touching the reins.  I've always had to ride him with a little rein tension, but on that occasion the reins were slack and laying on the saddle horn, not being touched by human hands.