E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Maybe They Should . . . . DC Anyway

Basically, if we were the violent, bloodthirsty, insurrectionist nutjobs that the Gun Control Advocates portray us to be, Florida alone could take over the DC, NY & Boston corridor over the weekend and be back to work on Monday. But we just don’t want to subject Canada to that huge influx of politicians on the run.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Wrench in The Works

For the last 3 years I've been working in the silicon semi-conductor industry.  I'm a mechanical engineer working to improve performance of the machines used to grow large silicon crystals.  I'm also involved in specifying the needs of machine sub assemblies to be purchased.

There's only one company in the US that builds these type of machines, and unfortunately it looks like they're closing their doors.  This is unfortunate for those employees, and for my employer as well.  We have 3 projects in the works that are critical for our existence, and all 3 were dependant on the company that appears to be closing.  I know of a company in South Korea and another in Europe.  I wonder which way our management will jump?  I hope it's not Korean.  We have 3 of theirs and I'm not impressed.

Cold War Getting Warmer

The disarmament, liberty robbing people, have been very successful at defining the debate to the point of total success. They've managed to re-define 'assault rifle', and gun control as having the effect of reducing violent crime.  Most of the country has taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.

The bill introduced by the wicked witch of the west has little chance of passing, but there's no doubt the Fed government will once again trample on our rights in one form or another.  I'm expecting another magazine capacity limit, combined with "universal" background checks.  It will become illegal for me to pass the family heirlooms down without government permission.  It will be denied, but this is nothing but a gun registration scheme.  And some of us know enough history to understand what follows gun registration.

We've been in a cold civil war for a couple of decades.  Liberty and self-reliance has been under constant attack by big government take-care-of-everything.  The big government tyranny crowd has been winning.  If this continues, new laws will be passed that I refuse to obey.  I refuse to live in the country I see coming, without a fight.  I will not comply with those new laws.  At least in my little world, we are progressing toward a physical civil war.

It's sad and depressing

Damn Computers

Our adopted granddaughter has spent most of the week with us.  She's pleasant, entertaining, intelligent and just a pleasure to have around.  She's been doing school on-line because public school has had too much drama for her to tolerate.  She said she was having troubles doing her studies on our PC because of computer issues and the lack of MS Word. 

So I went on-line and purchased Word to download.  Unfortunately our PC has MS Office.  And I couldn't load Word without first uninstalling Office, and I don't have the software to reinstall it.  I didn't know it had MS Office.  After asking I found out that the problem she was having was due to her studies being on a newer version of Word.  All she had to do was change a setting in her studies. 

The Boss's laptop doesn't have Word so we'll install it there, since it's paid for.

The PC is located remote from the house and the wireless router.  Moving the antenna around improved the signal reception, and hopefully has fixed the connection problem.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday on the Road

Yesterday (Saturday) was spent driving the Boss from store to mall to stores, then standing around while she shopped.  Bored out of my mind,  A couple of things to report.

The last time I was in that mall was about the time concealed carry became legal here in Ohio.  There was a no-guns sign on the door we entered, so I never went back.  This time the sign was gone.  The Boss said that it doesn't matter to her.  She has asked me to ignore those signs.  I told her fine, assume I'm carrying everywhere I go except at work. Why not carry there?  I'd prefer to keep that job.

Later on she saved me from a huge mistake.  I was about to stop at Dicks to see if they had any 12 Ga shells for my new toy, when she changed my mind.  I vowed to never enter another one of those stores again when they buckled and removed black rifles from their shelves.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Just Because

Dropped the Universal 30 cal carbine at the gunsmith Saturday.  Said he could fix the soft piston stop problem.  Then ordered, on line, a couple of 15 round standard magazines for it.  I have 3 but since the Gov doesn't want me to have anything over 10 rounds, ordered more just because.  I looked for 30 rounders, but didn't find any.

Good and Bad News

The good news is that The Boss's allergy symptoms have been on the decline since changing her BP medication.

The bad news is that her father was admitted to the hospital today.  He's not been able to keep solid food down for close to a month.  Finally got him to agree to see a GI specialist.  Hard to tell what, if anything, will be discovered as to the cause.  He'll be 92 next week.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gun Grabber Dementia

At lunch today, the in-law was surprised when I told him that the big school shooting was done with hand gun and not a rifle as reported.  He completely believes everything he hears on the old media.  He was also surprised that there are more deaths by hammer than by guns, and that countries with strict gun restrictions have more violent crime, per capita, than we do.

He said that any gun should not hold more then 2 "bullets", right after agreeing that such laws will not prevent anything.  Such is the logic(?) of some.  But he is 92 and showing signs of dementia.  Maybe the gun grabbers have the same ailment.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gridlock Should be Celebrated

Been a fan for decades.  Instead of complaining that the Fed gets nothing done, I celebrate it.  Because what ever they do, they muck it up.  When they try to fix something they either make it worse, or screw up something else, then try to fix that.  The result is the same thing you see when looking into a flushing toilet. 

Makes me wonder if it's done with the intent of screwing up the country so that tyranny can prosper.

Mass Stupidity

For the first time ever more then 50% have finally opened their eyes.  53% think the federal government is a threat.  Then how could the biggest threat get re-elected?  Mass stupidity?

Think About it

Remember, four boxes keep us free:
The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

And a citizenship that is armed to the teeth.

Assault weapons that can fire numerous times in seconds are designed for only one thing: killing large numbers of people. The military and law enforcement officers need that ability; ordinary law-abiding citizens do not.