E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, July 30, 2012

Little Shiba - Big Heart

The breeder, where we got the Shiba, said those little dogs have big hearts.  As it turns out Miko is no exception.  The other day during play with Thunder, she let out a screeck.  Seems their play got a little rough, instigated by Miko, and she got hurt.  She yelled and then went immediately into fight mode.  It's almost funny seeing a 10 pound dog snarl at another dog 5 times her size. I calmed her down before she attacked Thunder with harmful intent.  To his credit, Thunder just stood there.  By his look, I'd say he was sorry for accidently hurting her.

Yesterday he was laying on the floor, minding his business, when Miko grabbed him by the tail.  I laughed watching him spin around with Miko holding on tight.  Hence the rough housing started.  And she's usually the one starting the wrestling.

I'm impressed with how those dogs can grab each other with teeth, but not hard enough to hurt.

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Definite Need

So the administration is holding up the UN Arms Treaty.  Could it be that civilian pressure is working?  Maybe a little, but I suspect it will be signed, so I've decided to pull the trigger on a new shotgun while I can.  It's imported by CZ-USA and made in Turkey.

The Colorado shooting has the country all a twitter over battle rifles once again.  Most of the arguements are about crime and 'no need'.  In my estimation this misses the point by a bunch.  There is a need as a deterent against our own government.  The more people that own ARs and AKs the better.  I own one each AR, CETME and SKS with 1,000 rounds for each.  I feel under gunned.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


With the Boss out of state and the 2 fur-balls in a kennel, I've gotten darn lazy.  Last night I did N.O.T.H.I.N.G.  Tonight I started to continue the work on the porch railing, that I started a few weeks ago, because the temperature wasn't as bad this evening.  The sweat started flowing, just gathering the tools, and I'm missing needed materials, so . . . . tonight I'm doing N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

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Tonight, O'Reilly was pushing for FBI monitoring of what he called "heavy armament" and large quantities of ammunition purchases.  He called AK47 "heavy"?  Most of the time I agree with him.  This time he played the part of a fool.  And all this time I thought he understood the real need, especially now, for armed citizenry without government intervention.  Seems like he's just another favoring "common sense" regulations.

Seems like the whole world, and especially this country, is going to hell.  Is this how our parents felt during WWII, Korea, Vietnem, the race riots, and the cold wars?

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With every indicater I've heard about predicting another recession within the next year, I wonder about the wisdom of making large purchases and hiring employees.  My employer has been on a hiring binge of top echelon engineers for the last year.  We went from 6 to 12 in the department, with about half of us having PHDs.  I hope to hell they know something I don't.

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As I sit here typing, Avatar is on the tube.  Their tails don't appear to be all that useful, unlike a monkey.  There's been many a time that I could've used a tail as a third hand.  Did God cheat us?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Who Knows What I'd do

When I heard about the Colorado killings, my first thought was "Where were the guys carrying concealed?"  Why didn't somebody man-up and take the guy down before he could hurt so many?  As of now I haven't heard if that was a legalized victim zone.

I'd like to think that if I was in that situation, that after seeing to the safety of the Boss, I'd engage that crazy guy.  I'd like to think that I'd make a big effort to stop him.  But since I've never been in that position I just don't know what I'd do.  Who knows?  I might curl up under a seat, or run like a rabbit.

Some Thoughts

This morning I took the Boss to the airport for a weeks trip down to Florida, to spend time with my sister & her family.  She called a few minutes ago to say she was there, safe and sound.  I asked if she chose being groped or naked x-rayed.  She chose the x-ray.  I'm jealous no matter her choice.  I hate having to drop her off, and not seeing her to the gate.  Such is the world we live in.

Then before going to work, I left the 2 dogs at a local kennel.  They were both happy until it was time to go into the kennel area.  They'll forgive me when I go and get them Thursday afternoon, because they actually are man's best friend.

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Every time some crazy pulls the trigger, the complaints start all over again.  This was another disaster by an extremely crazy individual.  He used a gun instead of a bomb(s), so once again punish the rights of the citizen. 

Hear this gun-grabbers.  The 2A has nothing to do with sporting purposes.  It's about protection and liberty.  It's the right to protect ourselves against crazy people, and especially the evil we call government.  Don't like it?  Then pass an ammendment to repeal the 2A.  Oh . . . Never mind. . . You don't recognize the Constitution as valid.

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When the Boss is away, the first day or 2 is like a mini-vacation for me.  It's nice to have some alone time.  Then it's like . . . this bed is too big for just me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Boss & Dogs

Yesterday, Monday, the Boss and the 2 fur balls all went to the doctor.

Miko, our 6 month Sheba, spent the day getting sterilized.  She hasn't felt very well since.  Can't say as I blame her, especially since she's not to have much activity for 10 days.  Today she feels better, but we can't let her play with the big dog, Thunder.

As I expected, the vet thinks he (thunder) is a Husky-Shepherd mix.  He got a good checkup and shots updated.

The Boss has been having issues with her eyelids swelling.  She got an allergy shot.

I guess I'm too damn mean to get sick.

Next week I'll be without the Boss, because she's flying to Florida for a week.  Part of the trip is to speek to the Florida paroll board on behalf of my sister's step son.  He was convicted of murder 25 years ago.  The Boss is convinced he's a changed person and has paid his debt.  I'm not so sure myself.  I'm all for life being the minimum payment.  I guess it's good that some are more forgiving than I am.

Played Hookie

Saturday was painting, all day, at the old house, but Sunday I played hookie from all the work that needs to be done around both houses.

An old friend stopped by to talk about paintball equipment.  Seems he's involved with a small group  of preppers.  They're sharing their respective areas of expertise.  In any case he was elected to do something with firrearms, and he thought playing paintball would be a decent way of introducing the group to combat tactics.  I think air soft would be better, but I'm OK with helping them out.

We then went to the range.  For me that's the first time in quite a while.  On the way we stopped and picked up his younger brother and son.  His younger brother, one of the preppers, had a brand new AR to try.  The 2 brothers played with the new toy, and I spent half my time working with the young son and his 22 rimfire.  I enjoyed the hell out of that.

I then spent time with my AR, CETME and Ruger 454 Casull, all at 200 yards.  My revolver shooting sucked, as I expected, but the long gun skills do not erode nearly as fast with lack of practice.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Time to Go

There's no doubt that the UN treaty will infringe on our second ammendment and that Obama will sign it.  He doesn't even like this country so why not ignore even more of the constitution.  He did, after all, say he would fundamentally change the USA.

Once signed, and before the Senate considers ratification, the treaty will have the same effect as a constitutional ammendment.  Don't expect blue helmeted UN forces to enforce the elimination of civilian arms.  Expect our own police, national guard, etc to come visiting.

If you want a gun, buy it now from an individual, not a dealer.  It's time to stock up on weapons without a paper trail.

Then let's kick the evil, tyranny controlled cartel out on their collective asses.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hot Dogs

Been getting the 'big house' ready for sale, by painting, re-glueing paneling, cleaning, etc.  Got more to do, and despite the air conditioning, it's going slow.  For some reason the 3 digit temperatures suck the energy out of us, even when working inside.

We're in the process of having chain link and privacy fence installed, both 6 feet tall.  They've been at it, off and on since last Tuesday afternoon.  I'd bet the temperature has something to do with the slow progress.  I sure wish they were done.  Taking the dogs out on a leash gets old, especially when they tend to need out at different times.

A week ago we picked up a Husky, named Thunder, from a rescue.  The Husky and Sheba are getting along wonderfully.  The Sheba is fearless in attacking him in play, and he's careful not to hurt her.

At first she always started things, sometimes by jumping on his back and grabbing his ear.
Lately he starts the fun as often as she does.

 The little Sheba, Miko, is 6 months old, and will never be near as large as he is.  He, Thunder, is 2 years old, thin to the point of boney, but should eventually be more than twice her weight.  Before you ask, he's been fixed and she will be soon.

He's wearing a red collar, that sometimes looks pink, that was worn by our last Husky, Amber.  At some point we'll get him a new one and put Amber's away for posterity.  We had Amber so long that she was family.  Unfortunately I had to put her out of her misery last winter.  What was really bad was I had to do it myself. . . . The hardest thing I've ever done.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lack of Time and Energy

The number of posts, and I believe the quality, has been on the decline for the last several months.  The move to the smaller house has taken it's toll on my energy level.  We're almost finished with the 'big house'.  I believe all that's left is to fix some lose wall panelling and move the trampoline.  Saturday, with help from my youngest, the play house/swing set was moved here to the 'little house'.  We don't have kida for those, but we do have grandchildren.

We took him out to dinner Saturday evening for his birthday.  Then today we drove to the other side of the state to look at some rescued siberian huskies.  A 2 year old male chose the Boss, and he seemed to like our 6 month old Sheba, so we brought him home.  The Sheba will now have a companion.  This evening he didn't want to play with her much, but once he gets adjusted to us, he'll be fine.  He's already bonded with the Boss.

It will be a bit of a pain taking them out and putting them on a cable for a few days.  The fence guys were supposed to start tomorrow, but they won't be here until Tuesday.  We're having a 6 Ft fence installed around the rear perimeter.  Once that's done, we can just open the back door.

More of the same BS

Unless you've been visiting another universe you know that our own government has once again ignored the Constitution.  This time it was the not-so-Supreme Court.

And to make things even more rosie, Holder will not be prosecuted for ignoring congressional orders.  Now that wasn't really all that unexpected, after all the potential prosecutor reports to Holder.

I grew up during the race riots and the Vietnam war.  What's going on now isn't near as bloody, but it's much more destructive to this once great nation.