E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hopefully Just Me

The other day I learned that some of the company assets will not be shipped to the new location or sold. They will be given to the soon to be ex-employees. A list will be published and all the employee has to do is sign their name next to the item wanted. If more than one want a given item, a drawing will be held.

When the facility was opened 12 years ago they had a need for a safe. The quickest and easiest way to get one was from a local gun store. The gun safe is one of the items that will be given away. Here's hoping I'm the only one wanting it. I have more guns than can comfortably fit into the one I have.


My computer at work is something like 8 years old, but it was set up to run a software package called PRO-E. That's a high end solid modeling package for mechanical design, so it has 1Gig of RAM. That isn't a lot by todays standards, but sufficient.

The Boss's laptop is about 1-1/2 years old and has 3 Gigs of RAM. The extra memory and other newer technologies allow it to operate faster than my work machine.

Our home desk PC is about the same age as my work PC but runs significantly slower. It has 256 Meg of RAM. It seems to struggle with todays applications even some websites. Now that I'm back into the job hunting mode, it's driving me crazy.

Tonight I ordered 1Gig of RAM for the old PC. That's the Max it can handle. I sure hope that speeds it up some. My patience would appreciate it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Positive Aspect

A couple of days ago my eldest son asked me if I had pleanty of ammo. I said that for now I do and he replied "good, then you can go with me to the range on Friday afternoons starting in January.

Now that's one positive aspect of becoming unemployed January 1.

It's sure a lot more positive than the growing "honey do list".


The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money.
Unknown speaker.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What's The Incentive?

When Jan 1 rolls around I will be unemployed, but with the year ending project bonus and goodbye pay I'll be collecting until the end of February. I'll be 59 in January. I have enough money put back and invested that we can live about 3 years without touching the IRAs or changing our life style. If we down size our home, like we plan, it'll last longer.

My plan is to work at least another 10 years before retiring. That way the Boss will have medical coverage. She's younger than I am so I need to work long enough for her to be eligible for medicare.

If a medical bill is passed like Morris describes, I'll have little or no reason to maintain full time employment. At that time I'd be working primarily for medical coverage (Boss). The more I work, the more I make, the more the law will require for medical. So why would I want a full time job? What's the incentive?

Like all entitlement programs, the result is to demotivate the populace and screw the future.

If your household income is $66,000 a year . . . . Obama’s health care bill will require you to spend 12 percent of your income — about $8,000 a year or almost $700 a month — to buy health insurance before you get any federal subsidy.

Families scraping by on only $44,000 a year will have to pay 7 percent of their income (about $3,000) on insurance.

. . . those who are living at the federal poverty level of $22,000 will have to shell out 2 percent of their totally inadequate incomes ($440) for insurance.

Even those making just $33,000 will have to ante up 4.5 percent of their income (about $1500) for health insurance.


I've been asked many times why I feel the need to own arms and to be armed. There are many answers to that question, but most importantly it's because of things like this.

From the JPFO.
The digital file includes the Name and Address of every Buyer and every Seller for each gun, as well as the Name, Make, Model, Caliber and Serial of each firearm. In fact, each set of Out-of-Business digital records is precisely a system of registration of firearms, firearm owners and firearm transactions specifically prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 926(a). BATFE has not revealed what they are doing with these files.

So what are citizens to do when a federal law enforcement agency ignores law? What happens in a society when law enforcement is out of control?

More recently (since at least 2005), ATF has been converting microfilmed dealer out-of-business records to "digital images" of the records. It is not clear whether this is a digitized "picture" file, or an actual digital record of the acquisition/disposition. However, regardless of the method of storage, and whether access to the detail record is automated or manual, this system is precisely, in fact, a system of registration of firearms, firearm owners and firearm transactions specifically prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 926(a).

Gun registration. Gun confiscation. It worked for Hitler.

Gun ownership for self-defense applies to more than individual thugs, or gangs. It applies to our own government and local police.

"Serve and protect" . . . . . . my ass.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Was Marx Right ???

Several have labeled Obama as a socialist, myself included, but when I look at his appointees I tend to think he might actually be a Marxist. Not one of the Marx brothers, but the guy who wrote the book that passes as the guiding light of communism.

But somehow Marxist doesn't jive with all those he's anointed with the title of Czar.

Our president and congressional leadership seems to prove Mr. Marx correct on at least one point. The average person doesn't have the intelligence to choose a good leader, at least this time.

About Right

The only person who will experience a health effect from my gun ownership would be a thug attacking my family.
Glenn Beck

Like a Shotgun

My first experience with firearms consisted of targets with a 22 rifle and hunting with a single shot 410. I did a lot of small game hunting with that 410, and later a 20 Ga pump. I haven't fired a shotgun in a decade or two, but I still shoot like I'm using a shotgun. Whether it's iron sites, scope, red dot, rifle or pistol, I shoot with both eyes open focused on the target.

I know all the 'experts' say to concentrate on the front site of a pistol, but it's never worked for me. And in my old age it works even less. If I concentrate on the site, the target doesn't just get blurry, it approaches unrecognizable. That's why my hunting handguns have optics. When I look at the target out there in the 75-150 yard range, the sites completely disappear. At ranges most consider appropriate for handguns, I don't have that problem.

When they say 'focus on the front site, let the target go blurry and press the trigger' I cringe. Of the three, pressing the trigger is the only one I can do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

In a Cave?

In case you've been living in a cave, thought I'd bring this to your attention. The Oath Keepers have been around for a little while and growing. Go and have a lookee.

It's nice to know that some people actually take their word seriously. Too bad our leadership in DC doesn't.

Stressed & Tired

It's been something like 6 weeks since my fellow employees and I were informed that our operation is going to be merged into another facility in Mn. Most of us will be unemployed when January 1 rolls around. We all have a financial incentive to get all the manufacturing moved and functioning by that time. Part of the project is to get one duplicate assembly line built, proved and shipped to Mn. by the first of the month. Most of the tooling is not marked, and some don't match the drawings we happen to have. Not only do I have the responsibility of coordinating most of the activities, I'm also the guy that has to create tooling drawings, and get duplicate tools made. We've completely swamped 3 local machine shops, and we're still running behind the schedule, as ridiculous as it is.

Consequently I'm stressed more then I have ever been, grouchy, and tired as all hell. There are times when I wish I could be more of a slacker. Those guys never seem to get stressed at all.

That's the reason I haven't been posting as much lately. Too much brain fade on this end. But not enough that I consider Mao to be one of my favorite philosophers. With those people running things, may God have mercy on us all.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Continuous Hot Air - Screwing Things Up

According to the news this morning our illustrious senators are going to pass some form of the 2 health care bills they have, and the house will do the same. Then some committee will meet in secret to decide what will be sent to the President. They sure are spending a lot of effort, especially hot air, to screw up something that's only bent a little, but not broke.

Those with the money come here from Europe and Canada for their care. As a nation we may spend more on health, but we seem to be getting what we pay for. Well most of the time anyway. We could use some law tweeking to allow more across state lines competition, but I sure don't want anything like they have in Europe or Canada.

Do you get the feeling our country is now being run by socialists? I know it is. That's what has kept Europe from progressing as fast as we have. That's what our leaders have in mind for us here. They want a one world order that consists of government control over everything and poverty for The People. That's what most of the rest of the world is like.

Bulldog Action

As I wrote some time ago, I bought a Charter Arms .44 special with a 4" barrel just for fun. I didn't intend it for carry because I prefer a subcompact .45 or 9mm for that purpose. The Bulldog 44 is a light weight, 5 shot revolver with narrow grip based on their snubbie design. It's also inexpensive.

I've put about 250 rounds through it and settled on a 240gr lead load clocking at about 750f/s. Any more recoil than that in the small, light weight, narrow gripped revolver is just painful. And I'm not a recoil wusssy. I enjoy shooting my .454 Casull.

Being inexpensive, and trying the action before I bought it, I didn't expect a great feeling trigger. I was not surprised. The trigger was gritty, stacked and had creep. But not now. The part time gun smith at a local shop smoothed it out, eliminated the creep and lightened the pull. He wound the springs himself using music wire. It still has some stacking, but I'm pleased as punch. All that for only $64 after tax.

I'll let you know how it handles when I get the chance to go to the range.

Out of the Past

Decades ago I ran across some stuff in a shopping mall that was fantastic for those of us wearing glasses. It was sort of like a soft paste. All one had to do was touch it with the tip of a finger, rub it on the lens, and then wipe clean with a cotton cloth. Not only did it clean the lens but helped keep dirt, lint & stuff from sticking to the lens. The best part was that my glasses never fogged if I used it.

When I ran out I looked for more, but never found any until today. The Boss talked me into taking her and a couple friends to a large flea market a ways down the road, and there was a guy selling the same stuff. Since it worked better than anything I've ever tried, I bought two 1 ounce jars of it.

It's labeled ANTI-FOG, by World Optical. If you wear glasses or have issues with your rifle scope or binoculars fogging, buy some if you find it. It's well worth the money.

After writing the above, I did a web search. Lo and behold there it is.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

From George

The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good.

George Washington

Monday, October 12, 2009

OOps . . . Crash

When leaving the range yesterday I stupidly backed into a parked, small sized SV. My right rear bumper corner caught the SV in the soft spot between the corner and rear wheel. There really wasn't much damage to either vehicle. Mine looked like I just got some paint transfer. Wrong. The tail gate didn't operate correctly when I opened it at home.

The bumper bent inward and then sprung back most of the way. The estimate is $1100 to replace the bumper and correct some minor cosmetics. Thanks to no previous claims, our $500 deductible is being reduced to just $150.

This is my third pickup, and all the others had rear step bumpers built like armor. My son once backed one of them into a telephone pole, wiggling the pole, without damage to the truck or bumper. The bumper on my Nissan Frontier is pretty much crap, with the only strength where a trailer hitch ball would be fastened.

By the way, the other driver was only annoyed a little bit. Yep, an armed society really is a polite society.

4 For 4

The newspaper from the local city has a half page article concerning armed self-defense shootings. Apparently there have been 4 in 4 weeks. One of the 4 bad guys died.

The reporter did a decent job of reporting the facts and comments. You have to look close to notice that he doesn't like citizens carrying guns for defense.

As far as I'm concerned, carrying a gun is like having a spare tire in your car. It's something everybody should have. As for the bad guys, too many survived to be prosecuted.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

At The Range

My guest at the range today brought an 8mm Mauser that had been sporterized by his grandfather. It sported an old Bushnell 4X, OD turned barrel and decent sporter stock. He had never shot it before today.

We started by trying to adjust zero for 100 yards, but ran into a really big problem. The old MilSurp ammo I brought was hitting all over the place. The group size was in the neighborhood of 12 inches. At first I thought the scope was bad but some Remmington 170 grain loads printed inside of 2".

That's the first time I've seen MilSurp ammo shoot that bad in an old military weapon. It took me by complete surprise. That stuff shoots great in my Mauser.

Today was full of first times for my guest. He shot an Ishapore (shortened and sporterized), Nagant (M44), 1911 .45acp, Kahr 9mm, .357Mag and Browning .22. He liked the 1911 well enough, but fell in love with my Buckmark .22.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Silver Tongue Devil

I guess you don't need to do anything to win an award these days. All you have to do is be a socialist, and say you're going to do things that other socialists want to hear. Things like crying and complaining that Billy punched you in the nose and he shouldn't do that.

Protecting yourself and squashing the bully in self defense won't win any awards from the world's socialists and dictators. Backing off and talking a lot is in their best interest, not ours.

Job Situation

Three years ago last May my employer of 15 years decided to give me the boot. When I asked for a reason all I got was "I refuse to answer that question." According to the state I was terminated without cause, so I did get unemployment for 10 months until I found another position. I have a theory as to why I was let go, but I didn't like sharing with potential employers because it would sound like I was not truthful, or that I had bad feeling towards my previous employer, which I didn't.

Early this week I learned a little about that situation that I didn't know before. I worked a couple of months with my present employer on contract before they made an offer to hire me. As part of checking out my background an e-mail was sent to my previous supervisor, who replied with nothing but negative comments. The HR guy found that surprising because they hadn't seen any of that from me as a contractor. The HR guy then called my previous boss (VP Engineering) with questions, but ended up talking to their HR guy instead. Their HR guy explained that my previous boss has been a problem and that he tried to stop him from dismissing me but couldn't do anything about it. My 2 previous bosses there always gave me very good reviews, but the last guy apparently had it in for me.

The little company where I now work, and was promoted to Engineering Supervisor, is being absorbed into a larger company and most of us will be unemployed come January 1. The HR guy has volunteered to be a reference, and to share the situation of my leaving that other company if asked. Guess I'm not all that bad of an employee after all.

The unemployment rate where I live is in the neighborhood of 13%. This used to be a big automotive manufacturing area. So a few days ago I was extremely surprised to find 75 web-pages of posted engineering jobs. All were dated within 3 weeks. So the factory jobs are dead, but there's still need of engineering, especially EE, IT and programmers in the area. Unfortunately I'm a Mechanical Engineer.

I have strong family ties in the area, and do not want to relocate. Last time, in a better economy, I was out of work for 10 months. In the past month I've applied for 5 jobs and managed 1 interview 2 weeks ago. This time I'm expecting it to take even longer, but I'll probably hang around for 12 months or so before considering a relocation. I'd just try to find a hobby job, but I need another 10 years of employment to keep medical coverage for the Boss.

Just Talkin

I spent a good bit of the day helping the Boss at the little church she attends. She picked up an over the refrigerator cabinet that I installed in the church's kitchen area. I then helped haul trash out of the place. Up and down the step stool, putting that cabinet in really got the ole arthritis flaired up.

Tomorrow should be more fun. Last year I took a few guys from work to an indoor shooting range, one was a German student who had never held a gun in his life. Another was the HR Manager/Financial manager of the little company that employs me. The HR guy has a sporterized 8mm Mauser that he inhereted from his father, that he's never fired. So tomorrow I'm taking him to the range to shoot the old 8mm and anything else I own that he wants to try.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

US relinquishes control of the internet

Can censorship, with our government blessing, be far behind? In this way they can squelch dissent with deniability.


It didn't start with a great big bang, but start it has. We can witness it at TEA parties, town hall meetings and state passed resolutions. Montana has passed a law that effectively takes a shot across the bow of the federal government.

The lawsuit arose out of a state law signed by Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer that took effect on October 1. It says that firearms, ammunition, and accessories manufactured entirely inside Montana are not subject to federal regulation, including background checks for buyers and record-keeping requirements for sellers.

Montana is filing suit in federal court, challenging federal authority to regulate firearms in Montana. That's the narrow focus, but the big picture is retaking authority back from the federal government. For way too long the Fed has gone unchecked in it's accumulation of more power.

. . . the Tenth Amendment. It says that "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

In my estimation, this challenge is decades past due.


Friday night the Boss and I were at her sisters for pizza and movies. Before we left the brother-in-law had to show me his new toy. He traded in a Ruger Mini 14 and purchased a Springfield XD in .45acp. This surprised me a bit becauwse he has always stuck his nose in the air about tupperware guns.

He has liked single action steel autos. The XD is classified as single action, but it still has the very long trigger travel. I wonder how long he'll keep it.

I understand why the Mini 14 was expendable. He recently built an AR, but a plastic handgun was a big surprise.

Common Sense

The transformation of government run by and reporting to The People, towards being a government being an entity of itself and reporting to no one but itself may have started back in the Wilson and FDR days. Both were 'progressives' that had the notion that The People weren't smart enough to do anything on their own. Both did great damage to our free market economic system that still plagues us today.

Then again, it can be argued that none other than Lincoln started the ball ruling down the hill to where we are today. Yes he was instrumental in ending slavery, but he was also the shining beacon that, through war, ended the notion that The People and state governments have dominion over the federal government.

Regardless of how, when, and by whom it all started, the progressives have been on tract to completely destroy all that America has accomplished and stands for, for a mighty long time. It's just been recently that We The People have started standing our ground. And it's been recently that the pace of destroying this nation has increased dramatically. This road to destruction has transcended all political parties. It is a disease that needs cured. Whether they admit it or not, they subscribe to the theories of Karl Max, the original communist.

Start telling yourself, "I don't need the government to do it for me." Stop being a slave and you will start seeing miracles."

The above is a quote from Common Sense by Glenn Beck. I suggest it needs to be read by the entire population of this country. It was inspired by Thomas Paine, who's version is reprinted in the back of the book.