E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Scopes & More

Received the scout mount for the Swiss and the 2x Burris for the 454 revolver. Mounted the Burris on the big revolver and bore sighted it with a laser.

Using the new scout base, mounted the Tasco 1.25-4x pistol scope on the Swiss K31 and bore sighted it with a laser.

When the weather clears, I'll take them to the range for adjusting.

Several years ago I acquired a 30 Cal carbine. That thing has been a lot of fun over the years shooting what ever ammo I could get. Recently I decided to start reloading ammo for that little carbine. When resizing the brass, material was being smeared toward the base. As it turns out the transition up into the die was not smooth. There was a slight ridge that a local gun smith corrected.  I'll be loading some trial ammo for the next range trip.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Islam Extreme?

 Once again the term 'radicalized' or 'extremist' islam is coming from the talking heads. They're either lying or ignorant. If you do a minimal amount of research you'll find there is nothing radical or extreme about those of islam killing the non-believers. A book titled Unveiling Islam, by 2 brothers raised in that religion, explains that their 'prophet' and founder condones and even encourages murder. As I remember he said that if you can not convert them, imprison them, then kill them.

Those that say islam is a peaceful religion have their heads up their collective asses. So let's stop pussy-footing around and tell it like it is.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Pistol Scope

Found an old Tasco 1.25-4x pistol scope. Don't know where it came from, but appears like new. Thinking about putting it on a Ruger Super Redhawk 454 Casull. Have a Bushnell 2-6x on it now that is still functional but a little beat up. 

Have inquired about the Tasco ruggedness. Regardless of the reply, if any, I may go with a Burris 2x due to the high recoil. Fixed power should be tougher, and I seldom cranked the Bushnell above 2x anyway.

In any case I'll be putting a scope on a straight pull Swiss 7.5x55 in the scout configuration.  Either the Tasco or the Bushnell.

- - - - - 1/1/25

Pulled the Bushnell off the 454 today. It's still functional but beat up to hell and back. The magnification ring is lose, and the housing material has been smeared by the rings. Ordered a fixed 2x Burris to replace it. 

Decided to not trust the Tasco with that kind of recoil. I'll put it on the Swiss.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Not my Life

 I suppose I'm of the minority in that I dislike the holidays. I don't like being around a bunch of people which is expected for the next week or so. Don't get me wrong, I do like being with family and friends, but only in small quantities. This time of year I'm living the Bosses life, not the life I want.

A few weeks ago I loaded 4 experimental sets of ammo to try in the 44 special. I've yet to have the opportunity to test those loads for accuracy, velocity and felt recoil.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

357 Deer

 Back when it first became legal to hunt deer in Ohio with a handgun I carried a 6" Ruger Security 6 in 357Mag. That was the minimum legal cartridge. All the so called experts writing magazine articles claimed the 357 was too small and that we should use a 44Mag. I took many deer with that revolver loaded with 158gr JHP at 1250fps from 15 to 120 yards. They all went down quick from a single bullet. So much for those so called experts.

Today I learned that a friend took a deer at 60 yards with a 158gr JHP 357 chambered lever action. He said the shot was thru and thru with the animal dropping in his tracks.  No surprise to me! The one I took at 15 yards was head on and the bullet went full length.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

44 Speecial

Decades ago I acquired a Ruger Super Blackhawk in 44Mag. By acquired I mean it was basically free. Since I had a 44Mag I used that as a reason to get a 44 Special. The big 44 went away because it was not at all comfortable in my hand. I have no problem with the cartridge or recoil, after all I have fun shooting a Ruger Super Redhawk in 454Casull.

The 44Mag went away but I still have a Charter Arms 5 shot 44Special. It's time I worked up a light recoiling load for that revolver using the 240JHP left over from the magnum. Any load approaching 44special capability is painful in that very light weight revolver.

 - - - - 12/8/24

When I got the "free" 44Mag it came with some bullets. Forgot there were some cast lead bullets in the mix. I'll start experimenting with different powders and charges behind the 240 and 215 grain LSWCs. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Unique now TiteGroup

 For decades I've been loading my own 45acp ammo using 125gr Hornady XTP bullets and Unique powder. I've found this combination to be of good and consistent velocity. As of late that powder has been very difficult to find. Yesterday, at the range, I compared loads using TiteGroup and W231. For the most part they were comparable, except that I would get the occasional flyer with W231 and not TiteGroup. Since I was alternating the 2 loads, I'm fairly certain it wasn't me. I'll run at least 50 more with TiteGroup, and if the results are the same, It'll be my powder in the future.

 - - - - - 11/27

The Hornady XTP is actually 185 grains. Major brain dead moment there. I don't shoot 125 grain bullets in anything. 

The load I've been using was determined decades ago for my first 45, a used Llama. When I bought a new Kimber, it naturally shot tighter groups with the same load, so no need to change, until now.